Boekentoren - Bibliotheek UGent - Bibliothèque UGent - Library UGent by Lucien Hamelinck
Big Boy Bloater - Blues in Schoten 2008 by michel verlinden
Libelle Pub. 1955 by Lucien Hamelinck
Fried Bourbon by michel verlinden
Gent - Ghent by Gervan
Loose in the Blues by michel verlinden
Dinner at Carron Restaurant by Bart Boodts Photography
Focus op de verrebeekmolen in Opbrakel by Patrick Goossens
LIghtnin' Guy & the Houserockers by michel verlinden
TURNHOUT Het begijnhof in de sneeuw - 8.2.2007 by Ludo Verhoeven
Brussels, Belgium by wailee6
St Nicolas 2005 by Mouvement asbl