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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> December 2006 > Xmas Pig for Java 12 27 2006.jpg
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Xmas Pig for Java 12 27 2006.jpg

Java got a pink pig for Xmas!

(Sad tp report that Ugly doll was wripped to shreds, teachs me for leaving home! )

Nikon D80
1/60s f/5.0 at 31.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Leaf28-Dec-2006 04:02
lol does he like the tags on or off the new toy:)
Katie Chew28-Dec-2006 02:40
Nice shot.
Breland28-Dec-2006 02:24
Nice shot ours got a squirrel. It has survived so far.
Bryan Ramsay28-Dec-2006 01:14
Our "pup" got a rawhide bone asd it was gone in about the same amount of time ;o) Great shot! -BJ