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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2006 >> Top 10 PAD picture of 2006 > pbase Sunset version 2 on August 5 2006.jpg
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pbase Sunset version 2 on August 5 2006.jpg

Perfect end ot a great day in RI
Low humidity, great bike ride, and Polo -
Few shots from Polo - Chile vs. USA
Chile won!

Nikon D70
1/160s f/8.0 at 24.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW12-Aug-2006 12:44
stunning sky
Sheila09-Aug-2006 00:42
Magnificent clouds! So Dramatic!
ewa toll07-Aug-2006 08:44
very nice
Douglas Stucky06-Aug-2006 12:22
WOW!! Amazing shot! vote
optimist06-Aug-2006 06:50
Wild shot!
Bryan Murahashi06-Aug-2006 05:13
Great capture of this dramatic sunset. V.
Herb 06-Aug-2006 04:07
Nice shot
Guest 06-Aug-2006 03:48
Awesome sunset!
Greg Harp06-Aug-2006 03:05
Dramatic--superb capture.
Pic Chick06-Aug-2006 01:40
Absolutely beautiful and dramatic. GMV.
Michael Shpuntov06-Aug-2006 01:30
Very dramatic sky. Nice colors